When I got the chance to review a costume from Halloween Adventure this year, I was so excited. I browsed their huge selection of toddler costumes in search of the perfect one for The Bambina and I was blown away when I found this Elmo costume:

The shipping was super fast, and the day the box appeared on the porch, The Bambina and I immediately ripped it open to try it on. I instinctively grabbed the camera, knowing there would be some excitement. As soon as I zipped her up I walked her into my bedroom so she could get the full effect in my long mirror. You should have seen her face! She was in awe of herself! She was actually Elmo!
The costume quality is amazing. Elmo's fur feels just like a real Elmo, and there are smart elastic bands to help keep the hands and feet in place. I really love that she'll be able to wear tennis shoes under the costume as well without anyone seeing them.
If you're stumped on what to be for Halloween this year, or you haven't been able to find that costume that just speaks to you, go check out Halloween Adventure. They've got something for everyone!
Right now Halloween Adventure has 50% off economy shipping when your order totals $50+, and you can order all the way up until October 19th and still have it arrive in time for Halloween! (Or, if you're like me and your great ideas come to you last minute...you can order up until Friday, October 28th at noon and choose rush shipping to still get your costumes for Halloween!)