About Me

My name is Annalisa, and I'm a Utah mom and coupon shopper.  I got started couponing when I got married 4 years ago and the reality of life hit me hard.  My husband and I had a strict budget, and we were saving every extra penny for a down payment on a house. I felt so poor at the time!

That first post-marriage grocery shopping trip was agonizing -- it was so expensive!  I began looking for ways to save money on our groceries and household items, so we could put it towards a house. I began clipping coupons and utilizing drugstore and mail-in rebates.

My husband and I bought a house and don't feel as poor as we did when we first got married, but my couponing ways have stayed the same.  I spend less than $150 dollars per month on our groceries and household items, and we never have to skimp on anything.  I actually love shopping this way. It's so life-changing!  Once you learn to shop this way there's no going back.

Join me in the rush of coupon shopping! I do the slaving, you do the saving!

Click HERE to view my complete profile.

Are you interested in learning how to shop the Slavetosave way? If you've got questions, check out the following helpful posts:

Feel free to email me with any questions! I love to help!


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