I hit the diaper jackpot yesterday at Smiths! I was at the store near my house doing my usual grocery shopping when I stumbled across two carts full of clearance (50% off) Pampers, Kroger Comforts and Huggies Lil' Swimmers.
I finished my shopping, ran home to gather my diaper coupons (shame on me! I should have had them with me!) and came back to grab a few.

$3.99 Kroger Comforts Training Pants
$3.05 Huggies Lil' Swimmers
$4.49 Pampers Cruisers
$4.55 Pampers Swaddlers
$4.55 Pampers Swaddlers
$4.55 Pampers Swaddlers
$4.55 Pampers Swaddlers
-$3 Comforts MFQ (printed from coupons.com in March)
-$1.50 Lil Swimmers MFQ (home mailer)
-$2 Pampers MFQ (P&G savings book)
-$2 Pampers MFQ (P&G savings book)
-$2 Pampers MFQ (P&G savings book)
-$2 Pampers MFQ (P&G savings book)
-$1.50 Pampers MFQ (Pampers home mailer)
= $15.75 + tax
I spent $16 for 7 packs of diapers and saved $48! The bottom of my receipt said my total savings was 75%. It was a good day.
I've heard rumors of clearance diaper boxes at Target as well, so keep your eyes peeled and your diaper coupons with you!