Have questions about how to shop at Walgreens? Help is on the way!
WAG Q - Walgreens store coupon
MFQ - Manufacturer's coupon
RR - Register Reward
WYB - When you buy
What is a RR?
An RR is a Register Reward. It's basically a coupon that prints from the catalina machine next to the register once your payment has been processed, and it's valid on any item in the store (except tobacco, alcohol, stamps, etc).

Do RR's expire?
Yes. Since register rewards are technically manufacturer's coupons, they do have an expiration date -- usually 2 weeks from the day they are printed.
Can I use an expired RR?
Like manufacturer's coupons, using expired RR's is a no-no. Stores do not get reimbursed for coupons redeemed outside their expiration. If we want stores to keep accepting coupons (can I get an amen?!) we must play by the rules.
I tried to redeem a RR and the register beeped. Did I do something wrong?
It's possible your number of coupons exceeded the number of items in your order. We know that manufacturer's coupons are only valid one per item, so we can't buy one pack of Huggies and try to use two Huggies manufacturer's coupons. Likewise, you can't buy one pack of Huggies and try to use one manufacturer's coupon and one register reward -- the register will beep. You must throw in another item (a small filler such as a $0.29 pack of Ramen Noodles works well!) so that you have two items and two manufacturer's coupons.
Do register rewards roll?
No, not on the same deal. Assume there is a $2 RR for buying a pack of Huggies. If you buy a pack of Huggies, get the $2 RR, and pay for another pack of Huggies with your first $2 RR -- the $2 RR will not print again. This is called rolling.
However, RR's can be rolled from one item to another. Assume there is a $2 RR for buying a pack of Huggies, and a $2 RR for buying a pack of Quilted Northern. If you use your $2 Huggies RR to pay for Quilted Northern, you will get a $2 Quilted Northern RR. You can then use this $2 RR to buy another pack of Huggies, which will print another $2 Huggies RR. This is the proper and most effective way to roll register rewards.
Does Walgreens have a mail-in/online rebate system?
No, not currently.
Is there a specific order I should hand the coupons over in?
Yes. Always give manufacturer's coupons first and Walgreens store coupons last.
Can I use a Walgreens coupon (WAG Q) and a manufacturer's coupon (MFQ) on a single item?
Yes! At Walgreens, you can use one MFQ and one WAG Q per item. This is how we rack up the savings! Note that some Walgreens store coupons say "manufacturer's coupon" on them, but they are actually Walgreens coupons, because they have a non-standard barcode and a Walgreens logo.
If you have other Walgreens-related questions, feel free to ask them here!
I'm getting my coupons together to head out bright and early tomorrow and thought of a question... Can I combine say the Colgaate and the sunscreen in one transaction and get the RR for both and then in the next transaction get the Crest and Nyquil. Does that make sense? I guess my question is instead of doing 4 transactions can I just do 2? And, will 2 RRs print in 1 transaction?
Good question -- and yes! Both RR's will print!
Great! Thank you :)
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