Another exciting thing I discovered is that when my Wellness+ Card was sent to me in the mail, it came with a letter stating that they automatically started my card at the 10% off level (instead of having to work my way up to it)! So anything I buy with it at regular price now gets a 10% discount. Sweet! Just plan your scenarios as normal and hand the Wellness+ card LAST (after all coupons are scanned) to maximize your discount.
I also discovered today that when you scan your Wellness+ Card at checkout, some great Rite Aid coupons print at the bottom of your receipt! I got a $1 off $1.99+ dental care as well as a $1 off $1.99+ seasonal RAQ at the bottom of my receipts today. Sweet! Clip 'em and keep 'em for next week!
$3.49 U by Kotex
$4.69 Pure & Natural
$1.49 Gerber Organic Babyfood
$1.49 Gerber Organic Babyfood
$1.49 Gerber Organic Babyfood
-$5/20 RAQ
-$3 Huggies MFQ
-$2 Huggies RAQ
-$1 Kotex MFQ
-$1 Kotex RAQ
-$3 Pure & Natural RAQ
-$2 Pure & Natural MFQ
-$1.00/3 Gerber Organic MFQ
-$1.49 B2G1 RAQ
-$0.92 10% off Wellness+ Discount
= $1.23 + tax
(And get back $3.49 SCR!)
The Wellness+ 10% savings turned out awesome! I got a discount on the babyfood and the Pure & Natural hand soap. Plus I'm getting back a $3.49 SCR for the Kotex, so all this was free! And to top it off, I now have $4.47 towards the Gerber SCR for the month. I think I'll swing by a few more times this week and do some scenarios with vitamins, more Pure & Natural, and more babyfood to max that SCR out.
Good week this week at Rite Aid!
To see more of this week's Rite Aid deals, go HERE.
Good week this week at Rite Aid!
To see more of this week's Rite Aid deals, go HERE.
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