Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reminder - $10 Amazon GC Giveaway Ends Tonight!

The $10 Amazon gift card giveaway ends tonight at midnight! If you haven't entered already, do so HERE. (It only takes 30 seconds and it's for a good cause!)

Wanna know what I bought with my last few Amazon gift cards?
Hmmm, let's see. I'm looking through my order history. I bought two of these, since I just weaned The Bambina and we're in need of some more. Then I bought one of these for our road trip to Disneyland next week. She loves this show. Hopefully it will keep her occupied in the car a little. And then I bought one of these for The Bambina's upcoming birthday! I've never seen it anywhere else and it looks so cool that I can't wait to play with it.

Lest you think I spend all my Amazon gift cards on The Bambina -- I also recently bought one of these for my camera lens. (Although...I prettymuch only use my camera lens to take pictures of does that count?!?) :)

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