I've been getting emails lately asking about this deal, so I thought I'd post it again.
Right now you can get a nursing cover for free at Uddercovers.com ($32 value) by entering promo code ONEFREE at checkout. All you have to pay is shipping ($9.95). Pretty sweet deal for a nursing cover, considering I've never seen one less than $25! They've got six patterns to choose from.
Using that same promo code, you can get one of their nursing cover gift packs ($46 value) for only $5 + shipping, which includes the nursing cover, a milk band, and 4 sets of reusable breast pads.
The udder covers are very CHEAPLY made. The fabric is very thin and see through. I woudn't buy from them again.
Thanks for your input. I have a friend who absolutely loves hers, so to each her own!
I have ordered a plethara of these using the code FREECOVER and many of my relatives have ordered them too. (Multiple transactions - they are great shower gifts) So, if your ONEFREE doesn't work, they can try FREECOVER as well. I also saw on pinching your pennies screaming penny you can enter CUTEKID and get one free too. So many codes, I bet they all work!
BTW, I have used my cover from uddercovers and I don't think it is cheaply made. In fact, I really like the ribbing around the neck that makes it so you can see your little one while you are nursing. I guess the black and brown are what I have and maybe they are less see through than the others. Either way, I like the two that I have.
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